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DPU Graduate School
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  牟俊,男,甘肃省临夏市人,理学博士,教授,博士生导师,现任大连工业大学科学技术处副处长。本科就读于中南大学应用物理学专业,硕士就读于中南大学物理电子学专业,博士就读于中南大学物理学专业。入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,中国电子学会混沌与非线性系统分会专委会委员,中国自动化学会分数阶系统与控制专委会委员,中国密码学会混沌保密通信专委会委员,中国图像图形学会专委会委员,辽宁省通信学会会员,辽宁省电工理事会理事,IEEE会员,Rosalind荣誉会员等。IA、Entropy、MPE、SNCS、CSE、RACSC和IJOC期刊AE,IEEE Trans, IEEE journal, IS, ESWA, ND, CSF, SP, ACM等五十余部SCI期刊审稿人。主要从事非线性系统控制,信息安全,电力系统自动化及智能电网方面研究。主持参与完成各类科研项目三十余项,总经费一千余万元。发表论文近200篇,其中SCI期刊检索100余篇,包括ESI热点论文13篇,ESI高被引论文29篇。主持省级一流课程一门,主编教材四部,其中省部级规划教材一部,主持国家级、省级教改项目3项,发表教改论文4篇。





Transmission tower geographic position navigation and record system State Grid Corporation of China


The reliable destruction device of the confidential information carrier. State Grid Corporation of China


Real-time monitoring system for stable state of power tower in landslide prone area of loess plateau. State Grid Corporation of China


Dynamic characteristics of fractional-order memristor chaotic systems Natural science foundation of liaoning province


Fractional order chaotic system based on memristor, memcapacitor and meminductor, Scientific research project of education department of liaoning province


Industrialization analog memristor chaotic circuit development and manufacture, Five strategic research projects of liaoning province


Development of chaotic circuit system for analog memristor, Shenyang changhe yongrun technology co. LTD


Memory sensor, memory container chaotic circuit system development, Shenyang kesida technology co. LTD


Image encryption scheme based on compressed sensing and fractal-order chaotic system and its hardware implementation. Scientific research project of education department of liaoning province


Dynamics analysis and hardware implementation of fractional-order discrete memristor chaotic system


Development of bearing vibration acquisition system


Research on time-varying coupling mechanism and application of fractional order memristor neural networks



1.Mou Jun, Sun Kehui*, Ruan Jingya, He Shaobo. A nonlinear circuit with two memcapacitors[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 86(3):1-10(First Author)

2. Mou Jun, Sun Kehui*, Wang Huihai, Ruan Jingya. Characteristic Analysis of Fractional-Order 4D Hyperchaotic Memristive Circuit[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2017,(2017-7-10), 2017, 2017(8, article 80502):1-13 (First Author)

3. Ye Xiaolin, Mou Jun*, Luo Chunfeng, Wang Zhisen. Dynamics analysis of Wien-bridge hyperchaotic memristive circuit system[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 92(3):923-933 (*Corresponding Author)

4. Xiaolin Ye, Jun Mou*, Chunfeng Luo, Feifei Yang, and Yinghong Cao. Complexity Analysis of A Mixed-Memristors Chaotic Circuit[J], Complexity, 2018, 8639470 (*Corresponding Author)

5. Feifei Yang, Jun Mou*, Chunfeng Luo, and Yinghong Cao. An improved color image encryption scheme and cryptanalysis based on hyperchaotic sequence[J], Physica Scripta, 2019, 94 (2019) 085206 (*Corresponding Author)

6. Peng Li, Ji Xu, Jun Mou*, Feifei Yang. Fractional-order 4D hyperchaotic memristive system and application in color image encryption[J], EURASIP Jouunal on Image and Video Processing, 2019, 2019:22 (*Corresponding Author)

7.Jun Mou*, Feifei Yang, Ran Chu, Yinghong Cao. Image compression and encryption algorithm based on hyper-chaotic map[J], Mobile networks and applications, 2019 (First Author, *Corresponding Author)

8. Feifei Yang, Jun Mou*, Kehui Sun, Yinghong Cao, Jiyu Jin. Color Image Compression-Encryption Algorithm Based on Fractional-Order Memristor Chaotic Circuit[J], IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1), 58751-58763 (*Corresponding Author)

9. Feifei Yang, Jun Mou*, Huizhen Yan, Jinhua Hu. Dynamical Analysis of a Novel Complex Chaotic System and Application in Image Diffusion[J], IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1), 118188-118202 (*Corresponding Author)

10. Chenguang Ma, Jun Mou*, Feifei Yang, Huizhen Yan. A fractional-order hopfield neural network chaotic system and its circuit realization[J], The European Physical Journal Plus, 2020,135(2020),100 (*Corresponding Author)

11Feifei Yang, Jun Mou*, Jian Liu, Chenguang Ma, Huizhen Yan. Characteristic analysis of the fractional-order hyperchaotic complex system and its image encryption application[J], Signal Processing, 2020,169 (2020), 107373 (*Corresponding Author)

12. Chenguang Ma, Jun Mou*, Jian Liu, Feifei Yang, Huizhen Yan, Xiu Zhao. Coexistence of multiple attractors for an incommensurate fractional-order chaotic[J], The European Physical Journal Plus, 2020,135(2020), 95 (*Corresponding Author)

13. Feifei Yang, Jun Mou*, Chenguang Ma, Yinghong Cao, Dynamic analysis of an improper fractional-order laser chaotic system and its image encryption application[J], Optics and Lasers In Engineering, 2020,129(2020), 106031 (*Corresponding Author)

14. Feifei Yang, Jun Mou*, Kehui Sun, Ran Chu, Lossless Image Compression-Encryption Algorithm Based on BP Neural Network and Chaotic System[J], Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020, 79(27), 19963-19992 (*Corresponding Author)

15. Feifei Yang, Jun Mou*, Yinghong Cao, Ran Chu, An Image Encryption Algorithm Based on BP Neural Network and Hyperchaotic System[J], China communications2020, 17(5), 21-28, (*Corresponding Author)

16. Xujiong Ma, Jun Mou*, Jian Liu, Chenguang Ma, Feifei Yang, Xiu Zhao, A novel simple chaotic circuit based on memristor-memcapacitor[J], Nonlinear Dynamics, 100(3), 2020,2859-2876 (*Corresponding Author)

17. Chenguang Ma, Jun Mou*, Yinghong Cao, Tianming Liu, Jieyang Wang. Multistability analysis of a conformable fractional-order chaotic system[J], Physica Scripta, 7(95), 075204, 2020 (*Corresponding Author)

18. Ma Chenguang, Mou Jun*, Li Peng, Yang Feifei, Liu Tianming. Multistability analysis and digital circuit implementation of a new conformable fractional-order chaotic system[J], Mobile Networks and applications, 2020 (*Corresponding Author)

19. Ma Xujiong, Mou Jun*, Li Peng, Ma Chenguang, Wang Jieyang, Liu Tianming, A New Meminductor Based Hyperchaotic Circuit and its implementation[J], Mobile Networks and applications, 2020 (*Corresponding Author)

20. Ma Chenguang, Mou Jun*, Li Peng, Liu Tianming, Dynamic analysis of a new two-dimensional map in three forms: integer-order, actional-order and improper fractional-order[J], The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

21. Chenguang Ma, Jun Mou*, Li Xiong, Santo Banerjee, Tianming Liu, Xintong Han, Dynamical analysis of a new chaotic system: asymmetric multistability, offset boosting control and circuit realization [J], Nonlinear Dynamics, 103(3), 2867-2880, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

22. Ji Xu, Jun Mou*, Jian Liu, Jin Hao, The Image Compression-Encryption algorithm based on the Compression Sensing and Fractional-Order Chaotic System [J], Visual Computer, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

23. Tianming Liu, Huizhen Yan, Banerjee Santo, Jun Mou*, A Fractional-Order Chaotic System with Hidden Attractor and Self-Excited Attractorand Its DSP Implementation [J], Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 145(2021), 110791, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

24. Ji Xu, Jun Mou*, Li Xiong, Peng Li, Jin Hao, A Flexible Image Encryption Algorithm Based on 3D CTBCS and DNA Computing[J], Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

25. Xuejun Li, Jun Mou*, Li Xiong, Zhisen Wang, Ji Xu, Fractional-order Double-ring Erbium-doped Fiber Laser Chaotic System and Its Application on Image Encryption[J], Optics and Laser Technology, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

26. Chenguag Ma, Santo Banerjee, Li Xiong, Tianming Liu, Xintong Han, Jun Mou*, Dynamical analysis, circuit realization, and application in PRNG of a fractional-order laser chaotic system [J], Chinese Physics B, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

27. Tianming Liu, Santo Banerjee, Huizhen Yan, Jun Mou*. Dynamical analysis of the improper fractional-order 2D-SCLMM and its DSP implementation[J], The European Physical Journal Plus, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

28. Xintong Han, Jun Mou*, Li Xiong, Chenguang Ma, Tianming Liu, Yinghong Cao. Coexistence of Infinite Attractors in A Fractional-Order Chaotic System with Two Nonlinear Functions and Its DSP Implementation[J], Integration-The VLSI Journal, 81(2021), 43-55,2021 (*Corresponding Author)

29. Xinyu Gao, Jiawu Yu, Santo. Banerjee, Huizhen Yan, and Jun Mou*, A new image encryption scheme based on fractional-order hyperchaotic system and multiple image fusion[J], Scientific Reports, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

30. Jieyang Wang, Jun Mou*, Li Xiong, Yingqian Zhang, Yinghong Cao*, Fractional-order design of a novel non-autonomous laser chaotic system with compound nonlinearity and its circuit realization [J], Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

31. Jin Hao, Jun Mou*, Li Xiong, Yingqian Zhang, Xinyu Gao, Yuwen Sha, A Novel Color Image Encryption Algorithm Based on the Fractional Order Laser Chaotic System and the DNA Mutation Principle[J], Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

32. Xujiong Ma, Jun Mou*, Li Xiong, Santo Banerjee, Yinghong Cao*, Jieyang Wang, A Novel Chaotic Circuit with Coexistence of Multiple Attractors and State Transition Based on Two Memristors [J], Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 152(2021), 111363, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

33. Tianming Liu, Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee*, Yinghong Cao*, Xintong Han, A new fractional-order discrete BVP oscillator model with coexisting chaos and hyperchaos[J], Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021 (*Corresponding Author)

34. Tianming Liu, Jun Mou*, Li Xiong, Xintong Han, Huizhen Yan, Yinghong Cao*, Hyperchaotic maps of a discrete memristor coupled to trigonometric function [J], Physica Scripta, 2021(*Corresponding Author)

35. Jieyang Wang, Jun Mou*, Huizhen Yan, Xingce Liu, Yanjie Ma, and Yinghong Cao*. A 3-port switch NMR laser chaotic system with memristor and its circuit implementation, The European Physical Journal Plus, 2021(*Corresponding Author)

36.Jieyang Wang, Yinghong Cao*, Jun Mou*,Xingce Liu, Double memoristors series hyperchaotic system with attractive coexistence and itscircuit implementation [J], European Physical Journal-Special Topics,2021(*Corresponding Author)

37. Xintong Han, Jun Mou*, Tianming Liu, Yinghong Cao*, A New Fractional-order 2D discrete Chaotic Map and Its DSP Implement [J], European Physical Journal-Special Topics,2021(*Corresponding Author)

38. Xingce Liu, Jun Mou*, Jieyang Wang, Jian Liu, Yinghong Cao*. A new simple chaotic circuit based on memristor and meminductor [J], The European Physical Journal Plus, 136(11), 1182, 2021(*Corresponding Author)

39.Xuejun Li, Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee*, Yinghong Cao*. An Optical Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Fractional-Order Laser Hyperchaotic System [J], International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 32(03), 2250035, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

40.Xinyu Gao, Jun Mou*, Li Xiong, Yuwen Sha, Huizhen Yan, Yinghong Cao. A Fast and Efficient Multiple Images Encryption Based on Single Channel Encryption and Chaotic System [J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 108, 613-636, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

41. Xinyu Gao, Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee, Yinghong Cao, Li Xiong, Xiaoyang Chen. An effective multiple-image encryption algorithm based on 3D cube and hyperchaotic map[J], Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 34(4), 1535-1551, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

42.Xintong Han, Jun Mou*, Hadi Jahanshahi, Yinghong Cao, Fanling Bu. A New Set of Hyperchaotic Maps Based on Modulation and Coupling, European Physical Journal Plus, 137(4), 523, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

43.Xuejun Li, Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee, Zhisen Wang, Yinghong Cao, Design and DSP implementation of a fractional-order detuned laser hyperchaotic circuit with applications in image encryption, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 159, 112133, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

44.Tianming Liu, Jun Mou*, Hadi Jahanshahi, Huizhen Yan, Yinghong Cao. A class of fractional-order discrete map with multi-stability and its digital circuit realization [J], Physica Scripta, 97(7), 075201, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

45.Xingce Liu, Jun Mou*, Huizhen Yan, Xiuguo Bi. Memcapacitor-Coupled Chebyshev Hyperchaotic Map [J], International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

46. Tianming Liu, Jun Mou*, Hadi Jahanshahi, Huizhen Yan, Yinghong Cao. A class of fractional-order discrete map with multi-stability and its digital circuit realization [J], Physica Scripta, 97(7), 075201, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

47.Haiying Hu, Yinghong Cao, Jin Hao, Xuejun Li, Jun Mou*. A novel chaotic system with hidden attractor and its application in color image encryption [J], Multimedia tools and applications, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

48.Xinyu Gao, Bo Sun, Yinghong Cao, Santo Banerjee, Jun Mou*. A color image encryption algorithm based on hyperchaotic map and DNA mutation[J], Chinese physics B, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

49.Yuwen Sha, Bo Sun, Xiaoyang Chen, Jun Mou*. A Chaotic Image Encryption Scheme Based on Genetic Central Dogma and KMP Method [J], International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 32(12), 2250186, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

50.Jun Mou*, Editorial: Advances in memristor and memristor-based applications[J], Frontiers in physics, 10, 105216, 2022

51.Tao Ma, Jun Mou*, Huizhen Yan, Yinghong Cao. A New Class of Hopfield Neural Network with Double Memristive Synapses and Its DSP Implementation[J], The European Physical Journal Plus, 137(10), 1135, 2022 (*Corresponding Author)

52.Tao Ma, Jun Mou*, Bo Li, Santo Banerjee, Huizhen Yan. Study on the Complex Dynamical Behavior of the Fractional-Order Hopfield Neural Network System and Its Implementation[J], Fractal and Fractional, 6(11), 637, 2022(*Corresponding Author)

53.Xingce Liu, Jun Mou*, Jue Wang, Santo Banerjee, Peng Li. Dynamic analysis of a novel fractional-order chaotic system based on memcapacitor and meminductor [J], Fractal and Fractional, 6(11), 671, 2022 (*Corresponding Author)

54.Lujie Ren, Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee, Yushu Zhang. A Hyperchaotic Map with A New Discrete Memristor Model: Design, Dynamical Analysis, Implementation and Application. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 159, 112133, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

55.Yuwen Sha, Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee, Hadi Jahanshahi, Yinghong Cao. Low-cost multiclass-image encryption based on compressive sensing and chaotic system, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

56.Yixin Chen, Jun Mou*, Hadi Jahanshahi, Zhisen Wang, and Yinghong Cao. A new mix chaotic circuit based on memristor-memcapacitor, The European Physical Journal Plus, 138(1), 78, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

57.Linian Wang, Yinghong Cao, Hadi Jahanshahi, Zhisen Wang, Jun Mou*. Color image encryption algorithm based on Double layer Josephus scramble and laser chaotic system, Optik, 275, 170590, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

58. Xinyu Gao, Bo Sun, Yinghong Cao, Santo Banerjee, Jun Mou*. A color image encryption algorithm based on hyperchaotic map and DNA mutation[J], Chinese physics B, 32, 030501, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

59.Lujie Ren, Shu Li, Santo Banerjee, Jun Mou*. A new forder complex chaotic system with extreme multistability and its implementation[J], Physica Scripta, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

60.Xiaoyang Chen, Jun Mou*, Yinghong Cao, Huizhen Yan, Hadi Jahanshahi. A Chaotic Color Image Encryption Scheme Based On Improved Arnold Scrambling and Dynamic DNA Encoding[J], Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

61.Yuwen Sha, Jun Mou*, Jue Wang, Santo Banerjee, Bo Sun. Chaotic Image Encryption with Hopfield Neural Network[J], Fractals, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

62.Xintong Han, Jun Mou*, Jinshi Lu, Santo Banerjee, Yinghong Cao. Two Discrete Memristive Chaotic Maps and Its DSP Impletementation[J], Fractals, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

63.Xinyu Gao, Jun Mou*, Bo Li, Santo Banerjee, Bo Sun. Multi-image hybrid encryption algorithm based on pixel substitution and gene theory [J], Fractals,2023(*Corresponding Author)

64.Tao Ma, Jun Mou*, Abdullah A Al-Barakati, Hadi Jahanshahi, Shu Li. Coexistence behavior of A Double-MR-based Cellular Neural Network system and its circuit implementation[J], Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

65. Yanjie Ma, Jun Mou*, Jinshi Lu, Santo Banerjee, Yinghong Cao. A Discrete Memristor Coupled Two-Dimensional Generalized Square Hyperchaotic Maps[J], Fractals, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

66. Xinyu Gao, Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee, Yushu Zhang. Color-Gray Multi-Image Hybrid Compression-Encryption Scheme Based on BP Neural Network and Knight Tour[J], IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

67. Xuan Wang, Jun Mou*, Hadi Jahanshahi, Naif D. Alotaibi, Xiuguo Bi. Extreme multistability arising from periodic repetitive bifurcation behavior in a hyperchaotic oscillator[J], Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

68. Xingce Liu, Jun Mou*, Yushu Zhang, Yinghong Cao. A New Hyperchaotic Map Based on Discrete Memristor and Meminductor: Dynamics Analysis, Encryption Application, and DSP Implementation[J], IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  2023(*Corresponding Author)

69. Yuwen Sha, Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee, Yushu Zhang. Exploiting Flexible and Secure Cryptographic Technique for Multi-Dimensional Image Based on Graph Data Structure and Three-Input Majority Gate[J], IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,  2023(*Corresponding Author)

70. Yanjie Ma, Jun Mou*, Hadi Jahanshahi, Abdulhameed F. Alkhateeb, Xiuguo Bi, Design and DSP Implementation of A Hyperchaotic Map with Infinite Coexisting Attractors and Intermittent Chaos Based on A Novel Locally Active Memcapacitor, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

71. Yanjie Ma, Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee, Miao Miao, A quartic nonlinear flux-controlled memristor model and its application in chaotic system, Applied and Computational Mathematics,  2023(*Corresponding Author)

72. Tao Ma, Jun Mou*, Abdullah A Al-Barakati, Hadi Jahanshahi, Miao miao. Hidden Dynamics of Memristor-coupled Neurons with Multi-stability and Multi-transient Hyperchaotic Behavior[J], Physica Scripta,2023(*Corresponding Author)

73. Lujie Ren,Jun Mou*, Hadi Jahanshahi, Abdullah A. Al-Barakati, Yinghong Cao. A new multistable chaotic system with memristor and memcapacitor for fractional-order: dynamical analysis, implementation, and synchronization[J], European Physical Journal Plus, 138(8), 748, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

74 . Tao Ma, Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee, Yinghong Cao, Analysis of the Functional Behavior of Fractional-order Discrete Neuron under Electromagnetic Radiation[J], Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 176, 114113 (*Corresponding Author)

75. Xiaoyang Chen, Jun Mou*, Yinghong Cao*, Santo Banerjee. Chaotic Multiple Images Encryption Algorithm Based on Block Scrambling and Dynamic DNA Coding. [J], International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 33(16), 2350190, 2023(*Corresponding Author)

76. Lujie Ren, Lei Qin, Hadi Jahanshahi, Jun Mou*, Infinite coexistence attractors and scrolls in fractional-order discrete neuron map [J], International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 33(16), 2350197, 2023 (*Corresponding Author)

77. Zheyi Zhang; Jun Mou*, Santo Banerjee; Yinghong Cao, A Chaotic Hierarchical Encryption / Watermark Embedding Scheme for Multi-Medical Images Based on Row-Column Confusion and Closed-Loop Bi-Directional Diffusion[J], Chinese Physics B, 33(2), 020503, 2023 (*Corresponding Author)

78. Zheyi Zhang; Yinghong Cao; Hadi Jahanshahi; Jun Mou*,Chaotic Color Multi-Image Compression-Encryption/ LSB Data Type Steganography Scheme for NFT Transaction Security[J], Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 10(35), 101839, 2023 (*Corresponding Author)

79. Miao Wang, Jun Mou*, Lei Qin, Hadi Jahanshahi. A Memristor-Coupled Heterogeneous Discrete Neural Networks with Infinite Multi-Structure Hyperchaotic Attractors[J], European Physical Journal Plus, 2024 (*Corresponding Author)

80. Jun Mou*, Zhitang Han, Yionghong Cao, Santo Banerjee. Discrete Second-Order Memristor and Its Application to Chaotic Map[J], IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs, 2024 (*Corresponding Author)

81. Zhitang Han, Abdullah A Al-Barakati, Hadi Jahanshahi, Jun Mou*, A Novel Circuit Based on Memristor-Memcapacitor with Extreme Multistability[J], Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024 (*Corresponding Author)

82. Hongli Cao, Santo Banerjee, Yinghong Cao, Jun Mou*, A discrete Chialvo-Rulkov neuron network coupled with a novel memristormodel: Design, Dynamical analysis, DSP implementation and its application[J], Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 179, 114466, 2024 (*Corresponding Author)

83. Jun Mou, Tao Ma, Santo Banerjee, Yushu Zhang, A novel memcapacitive-synapse neuron: Bionic modeling, complex dynamics analysis and circuit implementation[J], IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,2024(*Corresponding Author)

84. Yixin Chen, Yinghong Cao, Jun Mou, Santo Banerjee, Bo Sun*. A Simple Photosensitive Circuit Based on A Mutator Emulating Memristor, Memcapacitor, and Meminductor: Light Illumination Effects on Dynamical Behaviors[J], International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2024(*Corresponding Author)















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