浏览次数:9833   更新时间:2024年8月30日 17:32


1. 主要学术研究方向:水产品加工理论与技术;水产品加工和贮藏过程中的质构和色泽变化机理及调控。

2. 招收研究生所在一级学科:食品科学与工程、生物与医药(食品工程)、食品加工与安全

3. 目前承担主要课程:《食品物性学》、《食品法规与质量监控、《工程伦理

4. 承担科研项目情况:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(即食虾贮藏过程中色泽劣变机制与调控方法,32102029在研,主持);辽宁省科技厅自然科学基金计划项目(即食南美白对虾贮藏过程中黄褐色形成机制及调控研究,2022-BS-266在研,主持);辽宁省教育厅面上项目(牡蛎速冻预制品质构与色泽劣化机制及调控技术研究,JYTMS20230421在研,主持)。

5.科研成果情况:以第一作者/通讯作者在Food Chemistry等杂志发表SCI收录论文17篇(一区论文13篇),EI收录论文1篇;申请发明专利6项,授权1项。


(1) Li, D. Y., Li, N., Wang, Y. F., Zhang, K. X., Tan, Z. F., Liu, H. L., Liu, X. Y., Wu, Q., & Zhou, D. Y. (2024). Effect of konjac glucomannan on gelling and digestive properties of myofibrillar protein in Litopenaeus vannamei based on molecular docking. Food Hydrocolloids, 149, 109595. SCI一区
(2) Li, N., Fan, X., Chen, T., Wang, Y., Tan, Z., Liu, C., Zhou, D., & Li, D. (2024). Molecular mechanism of color deepening of ready-to-eat shrimp during storage. Food Chemistry, 450, 139332. SCI一区
(3) Li, N., Fan, X., Wang, Y., Zhang, K., Liu, R., Xu, Y., Tan, Z., Xu, W., Zhou, D., & Li, D. (2024). Investigation of isomerization and oxidation of astaxanthin in ready-to-eat Litopenaeus vannamei during accelerated storage. Food Research International, 195, 114983. SCI一区
(4) Li, N., Wang, Y., Tan, Z., Xu, Y., Liu, X., Liu, Y., Zhou, D., & Li, D. (2024). Effect of ultra-high pressure heat-assisted technology combined with L-cysteine on the color of ready-to-eat shrimp during storage. Food Chemistry, 460, 140634. SCI一区
(5) Zhang, K. X., Li, N., Wang, Z. H., Feng, D. D., Liu, X. Y., Zhou, D. Y., & Li, D. Y. (2024). Recent advances in the color of aquatic products: Evaluation methods, discoloration mechanism, and protection technologies. Food Chemistry, 434, 137495. SCI一区
(6) Zhang, K. X., Wang, Y. F., Fan, X., Li, N., Tan, Z. F., Liu, H. L., Liu, X. Y., Zhou, D. Y., & Li, D. Y. (2024). Effects of calcium chloride on the gelling and digestive characteristics of myofibrillar protein in Litopenaeus vannamei. Food Chemistry, 441, 138348. SCI一区
(7) Li, N., Zhang, K. X., Xu, Y. P., Tan, Z. F., Cao, G., Liu, X. Y., Zhou, D. Y., & Li, D. Y. (2023). Modification of the structure and function of myofibrillar protein by structurally relevant natural phenolic compounds. Food Bioscience, 53, 102676. SCI一区
(8) Zhang, K. X., Li, N., Li, J. Z., Wang, Y. F., Liu, C., Liu, Y. X., Liu, X. Y., Zhou, D. Y., & Li, D. Y. (2023). Improving the gelation and digestive properties of myofibrillar protein in Litopenaeus vannamei by ultra-high pressure. Food Bioscience, 56, 103402. SCI一区
(9) Li, N., Zhang, K. X., Du, J. Y., Tan, Z. F., Xu, Y. P., Liu, X. Y., Zhou, D. Y., & Li, D. Y. (2022). High-intensity ultrasound improved the physicochemical and gelling properties of Litopenaeus vannamei myofibrillar protein. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 90, 106217. SCI一区
(10) Li, D. Y., Li, N., Dong, X. H., Tan, Z. F., Na, X. K., Liu, X. Y., & Zhou, D. Y. (2022). Effect of phytic acid combined with lactic acid on color and texture deterioration of ready-to-eat shrimps during storage. Food Chemistry, 396, 133702. SCI一区



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