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DPU Graduate School
浏览次数:56286   更新时间:2014年1月8日 11:16



马红超,男,19751月出生,理学博士,教授,主要从事环境催化与环境功能材料研究。1998年毕业于吉林大学高分子材料与工程专业,获工学学士学位;1998-2003年于吉林大学物理化学专业催化研究所攻读博士学位,期间完成国家自然科学基金项目“异丁烷脱氢制取异丁烯的钒催化剂”研究。2003年至2005年于中科院长春应用化学研究所从事博士后科研工作,致力于军工、燃料电池和水电解相关科研工作。并获第34批中国博士后科学基金资助和吉林省科学技术进步二等奖。20059月至今于大连工业大学从事教学与科研工作,主要致力于有机污染物的电化学处理、吸附有机污染物高性能多孔材料开发及利用光催化技术处理水中有毒有害污染物等相关研究。主持和参与国家及省级项目多项,并于20092011年入选辽宁省“百千万人才工程”千人与百人层次,20112014年分别入选辽宁省高等学校优秀人才支持计划第二与第一层次。此外,学术研究得到国内外同行的认可,目前作为多个国际知名杂志审稿人,如Applied Catalysis B: Environmentaljournal of hazardous materialsmaterials letters等。目前作为第一作者或通讯联系人共发表论文40余篇。


(1) 应用质子交换膜电解质电解水制氢研究。项目编号:05L074 辽宁省教育厅,2006.1-2007.12项目负责人,已结题。

(2) 具有可见光活性的碳基复合光催化剂基础研究。项目编号:LGQ-2011054,辽宁省高等学校人才支持计划,2011.1-2014.12,项目负责人,已结题。

(3) 量子点修饰多孔光催化剂的可控构筑及其光催化增强机制研究。项目编号:LR2014013辽宁省高等学校人才支持计划,2014.01-2016.12, 项目负责人,已结题。

(4) 基于钛基涂层电极的光电催化降解水中有机污染物的研究。项目编号:201602052,辽宁省自然科学基金指导计划,2016.06-2018.06,项目负责人,在研。



1.       Hongchao Ma,  Ke Teng, Yinghuan Fu*, Yu Song, Yongwei Wang and Xiaoli Dong., Synthesis of visible-light responsive Sn-SnO2/C photocatalyst by simple carbothermal reduction, Energy & Environmental Science, 4, 3067–3074, 2011. (SCI,最新IF= 29.518)

2.       Hongchao Ma, Jihui Han, Yinghuan Fu*, Yu Song, Chunling Yu, Xiaoli Dong., Synthesis of visible light responsive ZnO–ZnS/C photocatalyst by simple carbothermal reduction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 102, 417–423, 2011. (SCI,最新IF= 9.446)

3.       Hongchao Ma, Lixia Yue, Chunling Yu, Xiaoli Dong*, Xinxin Zhang, Mang Xue, Xiufang Zhang and Yinghuan Fu*, Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity of Cu-doped Zn/ZnO photocatalyst with carbon modification, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22(45), 23780-23788, 2012.(SC I,最新IF=8.867)

4.       Hongchao Ma, Xiaohong Cheng, Chun Ma, Xiaoli Dong*, Xinxin Zhang, Mang Xue, Xiufang Zhang, and Yinghuan Fu*, Synthesis, characterization, and photocatalytic Activity of N-doped ZnO/ZnS composites, International Journal of Photoenergy, Vol. 2013, 625024, 2013. (SCI, IF= 1.277)

5.       Hongchao Ma, Yifeng Liu, Yinghuan Fu, Chunling Yu, Xiaoli Dong, Xiufang Zhang, Xinxin Zhang and Wenping Xue. Improved Photocatalytic Activity of Copper Heterostructure Composites (Cu–Cu2O–CuO/AC) Prepared by Simple Carbothermal Reduction. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 67(5), 749-756, 2014 (SCI最新IF=1.267)

6.       Xuewei Dong, Fan Zhang, Chuan Rong, and Hongchao Ma*. Fabrication of ZnS-Bi-TiO2 Composites and Investigation of Their Sunlight Photocatalytic Performance. The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, Article ID 503895 (2014). (SCI)

7.       Hongmei Xing, Hongchao Ma*, Yinghuan Fu, Mang Xue, Xinxin Zhang, Xiaoli Dong and Xiufang Zhang. Preparation of g-C3N4/ZnO composites and their enhanced photocatalytic activity. Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials, 30(2), pp. 122-127, 2015 (SCI, 最新IF=1.227 )

8.       Min Zhao, Yinghuan Fu, Hongchao Ma*, Xinxin Zhang, Chun Ma, Xiaoli Dong*, Xiufang Zhang, Study of the sulfurized (BiO)2CO3 as efficient visible-light induced photocatalyst, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2015, 26 (10), 7882-7888 (SCI, 最新IF=1.569 )

9.       Guoliang Yang, Qi Liu, Yinghuan Fu, Hongchao Ma*, Chun Ma, Xiaoli Dong**, Xinxin Zhang, Xiufang Zhang, Improved photocatalytic reactivity of ZnO photocatalysts decorated with Ni and their magnetic recoverability, Journal of Materials Research, 30, (12), 2015, 1902-1913(SCI, 最新IF=1.647 )

10.   Hongchao Ma, Min Zhao, Hongmei Xing, Yinghuan Fu, Xiufang Zhang, Xiaoli Dong, Synthesis and enhanced photoreactivity of metallic Bi-decorated BiOBr composites with abundant oxygen vacancies Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2015, 2612):10002-10011 (SCI, 最新IF=1.569 )

11.   Xinxin Zhang, Xiaoli Dong*, Baiyu Leng, Hongchao Ma*, and Xiufang Zhang, Improved Photocatalytic Performance of a Novel Fe3O4@SiO2/Bi2SiO5 Hierarchical Nanostructure with Magnetic RecoverabilityInternational Journal of Photoenergy, Volume 2015, Article ID 428103, 6 pages (SCI, IF= 1.277)

12.   Hongmei Xing, Hongchao Ma*, Yinghuan Fu, Xinxin Zhang, Xiaoli Dong and Xiufang ZhangPreparation of BiOBr by solvothermal routes with different solvents and their photocatalytic activity, Journal of renewable and sustainable energy, 2015,7, 063120 SCI

13.   Min Zhao, Yinghuan Fu, Hongchao Ma*, Chun Ma, Xiaoli Dong, Xiufang Zhang, Synthesis, characterization and photoreactivity of hierarchically N-doped (BiO)2CO3/Bi2S3 with highly exposed {001} facets, Materials and Design 93 (2016) 1-8(SCI, 最新IF=4.364 )

14.   Hongchao Ma, Guoliang Yang, Yinghuan Fu*, Chun Ma, Xiaoli Dong**, Xiufang Zhang, Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic properties of BiPO4 decorated with Ag/AgBr, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 2016, 49,366-371

15.   Hongchao Ma, Min Zhao, Yinghuan Fu, Chun Ma, Xiaoli Dong, Xiufang Zhang, Influence of Bi2MoO6 decoration on the structure and photo-reactivity of (BiO)2CO3 photocatalyst, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, (2016) 27:4598-4606


16.   Hongchao Ma, Rui An, Lulu Chen, Yinghuan Fu, Chun Ma, Xiaoli Dong, Xiufang Zhang, A study of the photodeposition over Ti/TiO2 electrode for electrochemical detection of heavy metal ions, Electrochemistry Communications., Volume 57, August 2015, Pages 18–21 (SCI, IF=4.287)

17.   Hongchao Ma, Yue Lixia, Dong Xiaoli, Fu Yinghuan, Liao Jianhui, Liu Changpeng, Xing, Wei*.  Effect of Nafion Loading in the Oxygen Electrode on Performance of the PEM-type Water Electrolyzer, Journal of new materials for electrochemical systems, Vol.16, 13-17, 2013 (SCI,最新IF=0.53)

18.   Zhang, Yang; Yue Lixia; Teng Ke; Yuan Shiyong; Ma Hongchao*, Synthesis and Characterization of RuO2 Anode Materials with Large Surface Areas for Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Journal of new materials for electrochemical systems, Vol. 15, 271-276, 2012 (SCI,最新IF=0.53)

19.   Liyan Zhu1• Yihua Tian1• Maolin Li1• Hongchao Ma*• Chun Ma1•Xiaoli Dong1• Xiufang Zhang1Fabrication and photo-electrocatalytic activity of black TiO2 embedded Ti/PbO2 electrode, J Appl Electrochem (2017) 47:1045–1056 (SCI,最新IF=2.235)

20.   Kun Zhou, Yihua Tian, Hongchao Ma*, Chun Ma, Yinghuan Fu*, Xiaoli Dong, Xiufang Zhang, Photo-electrocatalytic performance of conductive carbon black modified Ti/F-PbO2 anode for degradation of dye wastewater (reactive brilliant blue KN-R), Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10008-017-3854-2 (SCI,最新IF=2.316)


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